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St. Laurence O'Toole's P.S. Belleeks


30th Sep 2023
Today Primary 4-7 participated in an Internet Safety workshop. They learned all about...
5th May 2022
 Easter raffle fundraiser. A big congratulations to Kyla and Callum Keatings...
14th Nov 2019
Last night our school hosted a STEM Family Evening for all P4-P7 pupils, parents...
21st Feb 2019
Today the children continued to develop their 2d Eco game.  They created level...
14th Feb 2019
Today the P4/5 children were introduced to the app Sketch Nation with Jamie from...
7th Feb 2019
P4/5 children had great fun etching their Eco character onto their metal biscuit...
25th Jan 2019
Today Mary Murphy (jeweller) came to our class to talk to the children about the...
24th Jan 2019
Eco art work for 2d Game Making (Healthy Living Topic)